The Pop in your Job: What drives you / what is your passion? The rapid development of technologies always gives me the thrill to learn and explore more and more.
CV Valeo, Software Design Engineer, Jan. 2016–Today - Creation of test plans incl. use cases, reusability. - Planning, execution and analysis of system tests. - Linking between system specification and system test specification. - Creation of test strategies. - Development of system analysis and system testing tools. - Construction of test systems for vehicle testing. - Deployment of testing techniques, consolidation test scores. - First system start with integration tests. - Presentation of system performance in front of customers and management. Valeo, Engineer, June 2015–Nov. 2015 - Advanced Driving Assistance Systems Testing Software Development Carmeq GmbH, Software Developer, Carmeq GmbH, Oct. 2014–March 2015 -Designed and implemented test automation tool using Java and CAPL for Driving Assistance Systems, which led successfully to time and cost reduction. -Developed an image processing tool to detect the pedestrians in Porsche vehicles. University of Stuttgart, Research Assistant - Embedded Hardware and Software Development, March 2014–Oct. 2014 -Developed a programmer for an OFDM chip with a graphical user interface using RaspberryPi. -Built a voltage level shifter PCB using EAGLE.