Huei Peng received his Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from the University of California, Berkeley in 1992. He is director of Mcity, the University of Michigan’s public-private partnership devoted to advancing the development of connected and automated vehicles.
Peng is also the Roger L. McCarthy Professor of Mechanical Engineering at U-M. Peng’s research interests include adaptive control and optimal control, with emphasis on their applications to vehicular and transportation systems.
In the last twenty years, Peng has worked on vehicle automation, vehicle dynamics, design and assessment of active safety systems, and human model development—with a special focus on understanding how they err. He has served as the principal investigator or co-principal investigator of more than fifty research projects, with a total funding of more than $30 million. He has more than 240 technical publications, including 100 in referred journals and four books.
Peng is an SAE Fellow and an ASME Fellow. He is a ChangJiang Scholar at the Tsinghua University of China.