As a Director in the Global Automotive Practice, Roger Lanctot has a powerful voice in the definition of future trends in automotive safety, powertrain, and infotainment systems. Roger draws more than 30 years’ experience in the technology industry as an analyst, journalist, and consultant. Roger has conducted and participated in major industry studies, created new research products and services, and advised clients on strategy and competitive issues throughout his career. His privileged relationships and extraordinary connectedness help keep Strategy Analytics in the forefront of industry thought leadership.
Roger is a prolific blogger and frequent keynote speaker at industry events. He is on the advisory boards of AutomobilityLA (part of the L.A. Auto Show), MaaS America, the Car Sharing Association, and the ITU’s Future Networked Car event (which takes place annually at the Geneva Motor Show). Roger’s industry leadership has been recognized by induction in the TU-Auto Hall of Fame (Informa).
Roger holds an AB in English from Dartmouth College.