Born 1959, Thomas Form studied Electrical Engineering at the University of Braunschweig, Germany, joined the Institute for Communication Engineering as research fellow in 1987 and received his Ph.D. in 1992. Up to 2002 he worked as a senior engineer in the Centre for Electromagnetic Compatibility of Volkswagen AG. In 2002 Dr. Form was appointed as the head of Telephone-/Telematic- and Antenna systems development. He became a professor for „electronic vehicle systems“ in the Institute of Control Engineering at the Technical University Braunschweig in 2005 and participated with the CAROLO-Team in the finals of the DARPA URBAN Callenge 2007. From 2007 to 2009 he was responsible for concept development, module- and project management in the VW Electric/Electronic development. Since 2009 he is the head of the “Electronics and Vehicle Research” within Volkswagen Group research. Memberships: IEEE Member, VDI FVT (advisory board) and VDE GMM (Member of the board)